Anniversary Wishes for Nephew
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Happy married life nephew, I don’t want to scare you but I also want you to know the truth, marriage is hard work, hard work and hard work.
Forget what you’ve heard and do what you know is right for both of you. Have a great and hearty marriage life dear nephew, you are loved.
I remember you two as children, now you are betrothed to each other and saying your vows. I am proud of the man you’ve become dear nephew, make each other happy.
The most important expression in marriages, what are you thinking, how are you feeling, are you OK and most importantly I love you. Don’t do without those things. Happy married life nephew.
Happy married life sweet nephew. Some words should never leave your mouth in your marriage. Always ask your wife how she is.
May this day be as blessed as you are nephew, you are truly a gem and I wish you every piece of joy as you walk down the aisle and wait for your beautiful bride.
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