35th Birthday Wishes
See all 35th Birthday Wishes
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day!
It doesn’t matter that your age is growing up but what it matters that how your brain is growing up. Have a wonderful 35th birthday.
Life is worthy of your existence, you are one of the most beautiful in heart person I’ve ever known. Keep enjoying the adventure. Happy 35th Birthday friend.
Turning thirty-five is a false assurance that you are not as old as forty and not as immature as thirty. Happy birthday.
In the journey of life, the age of thirty-five offers the last layover before a person reaches a destination called RESPONSIBILTY. Happy 35th birthday.
I trust you more than I love you. You are my best friend, my leader, my mentor and my all happiness belongs to you. Wishing you the lifetime happiness and love.
A time machine will probably not be invented in your lifetime. So better start living life to the fullest while you still can. Happy birthday.
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