35th Birthday Wishes
See all 35th Birthday Wishes
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day!
A time machine will probably not be invented in your lifetime. So better start living life to the fullest while you still can. Happy birthday.
Look how far you’ve made it with your life, they say you wouldn’t but you proved yourself. You’re really great. Happy 35th Birthday dear.
Not thirty, nor forty, you are halfway between two milestones. A mix of youth and maturity, you are in life’s perfect zone. Happy birthday.
I don’t mind being thirty-five if it is going to make me look as stunning as you. Happy birthday.
When there is no destination, no point and no way left for you. So that moment just walks where your heart takes you. The best time of living freedom.
Thirties are when you will realize life is too short. But the best part is that there’s still time left to make the most out of it. Happy birthday.
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