2nd Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy
See all 2nd Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day!
I wish you all the best things this world offers you. You are an awesome kid, and I know someday you will transform the world. Happy second birthday, sweetheart!
It’s time to celebrate the birthday of a new soul. You are only two years old after all. Your first year is mostly poo. Happy birthday, my dear!
Came straight into my lap from the heaven’s brightest star. Enjoying to share my time with you in the car. Have a great second birthday my sweetheart.
The one and the only reason why I am still sane in this insane world is that I get to see your cute face every day. Happy 2nd birthday my mushy baby boy!
Here enters my little boy into the 2nd year of his life. Be prepared my little boy as you have a legacy to carry forward. Wish you a remarkable birthday!
You are just a 2-year-old boy but the pace at which you learn new things is simply astonishing. Very happy 2nd birthday to the child prodigy.
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