10th Birthday Wishes
See all 10th Birthday Wishes
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day!
Happy 10th birthday dearie, I can see a bright future for you. You are strong brave and you make everyone happy, grow with that in you.
Happy 10th birthday to a truly perfect princess. May happiness be with you from dusk to dawn all the days of your life.
As you clock this age, gifts are what you desire and you shall have them, but never forget my advice to be a good boy always. Happy 10th birthday
There are many years that will be ahead of you. You will get to enjoy laughs, tears and everything in between. Trust us. Life is only beginning for you.
Bravo, you are 10 and now a Big Girl! May you live long and be happy all the days of your life. Happy birthday to you, princess!
May you grow older than the hills, may you love, may you share and may you be the best there ever will be. Happy 10th birthday dear!!
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