29th Birthday Wishes
See all 29th Birthday Wishes
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day!
I may not have known you for very long, but as much as I can tell, you are a worthwhile friend and a great person, have a fantastic birthday!
You always have a smile on your face even when times get really tough, I admire that and I wish I could be more like you.
Placing too much of target in the front can wound the spirit when not achieved on time, live a free life at this age my son. Happy 29th Birthday
May today be the greatest day in your life, may you have fun and feel the good things 29 has to offer, I love you dearest, you make me proud.
All the words in the cards can never describe how happy you make me feel. Have a hearty 29th birthday dear, may you live longest!
I can never fully repay you for all the good things you have done to me, but I can definitely wish you a splendid and spectacular 29th birthday, have fun.
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Birthday Messages
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