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I will never try to push you out of my life completely because I would never want that. Our marriage was, is, and always will be something that I will never regret. I miss you.
Our marriage wasn’t a mistake. It was something that just wasn’t meant to be. Regret isn’t going to help me move on. Accepting the fact that I still miss you brings solace to my broken heart – at least our love was real. I miss you.
My heart still thinks that our marriage ought to be given a second chance but my mind knows that it will never work out. While my heart and mind battle it out until my last breath, I just want to let you know that I miss you.
Marriage was easy, divorce wasn’t. Moving on was easy, but missing you isn’t.
We loved, we argued, we cried, we fought, we divorced – I wouldn’t change a thing. I miss you.
We may not be able to UNDO the battles of our past, but let’s make sure that we don’t REDO them either. I miss you.
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