Grimes Quotes
Grimes Quotes with Images
Grimes Quotes with Images
I only work at night, generally. Usually, when I work I'll black out the windows or something.
Even though I really admire what Beyonce does, and she's probably got one of the best live shows in the world - honestly! - that's so not my style.
If I went on 'American Idol,' I would definitely be kicked out immediately.
I want to make Grimes a high-fashion sci-fi act.
Most of my music videos were made for under $200.
Success, for me, is a song that can deliver shivers.
Obviously, I like things that are cute and aggressive at the same time, but I didn't want it to just be mini-bangs and lip-syncing in a dress. I need to get away from that stuff.
I just watched another person I care deeply about basically turn into Gollum and my heart is broken.
I don't have any money to hire actors. I just need to get people who are going to do a good job being themselves.
I like going crazy. And not just for art - I like extremes in general.
I have an intense desire to constantly make music, and I don't feel that way about anything else.
If you focus too much on development of the visual angle, it could be a detriment to what you're doing musically.
I think Canadians make a lot of music because we're stuck inside all the time.
Especially with music, people want confidence.
I'm sad that it's uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues.
The way that you present yourself visually totally dictates your audience and everything that anyone thinks about you.
I believe the human mind is a very fallible thing, but it's the only thing that I can really know, I guess.
I don't even wear shoes with heels because I hate making a noise when I walk and people looking at me.
Whenever I'm making music I'm always waiting for the shivers to happen - that's an important thing for me.
The most valuable live thing for me is when people look like they're having a good time.
Removing all stimulation around you is a really positive thing in terms of stimulating your creativity.
Ugly girls generally don't become successful in music. And it sucks because it's a standard that just exists.
I like being behind the camera because I can control perception and what people see.
If you tell someone you're doing something innovative, they'll think you're doing something innovative.
Basically, I'm really impressionable and have no sense of consistency in anything I do.
From an early age I knew I would be unhappy if I wasn't doing something creative.
I can't censor myself; it's really important for me to say how I feel.
Art gives me an outlet where I can be aggressive in a world where I usually can't be.
I don't want to have to compromise my morals in order to make a living.
I like creating beauty out of scary things.