Queen Victoria Quotes

Best 10+ Queen Victoria Messages, Quotes, and Images

Queen Victoria Thoughts

Queen Victoria Thoughts

We will not have failure - only success and new learning.

Author: Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria Quotes Images

Queen Victoria Quotes Images

We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist.

Author: Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria Messages

Queen Victoria Messages

Great events make me quiet and calm; it is only trifles that irritate my nerves.

Author: Queen Victoria

Short Queen Victoria Quotes

Short Queen Victoria Quotes

Beware of artists, they mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous.

Author: Queen Victoria

Simple Queen Victoria Messages

Simple Queen Victoria Messages

Nothing will turn a man's home into a castle more quickly and effectively than a dachshund.

Author: Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria Thoughts

Queen Victoria Thoughts

Give my people plenty of beer, good beer, and cheap beer, and you will have no revolution among them.

Author: Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria Messages Images

Queen Victoria Messages Images

Just close your eyes and think of England.

Author: Queen Victoria

Short Queen Victoria Messages

Short Queen Victoria Messages

I feel sure that no girl would go to the altar if she knew all.

Author: Queen Victoria

Unique Queen Victoria Thoughts

Unique Queen Victoria Thoughts

Marriage is no amusement but a solemn act, and generally a sad one.

Author: Queen Victoria

Simple Queen Victoria Quotes

Simple Queen Victoria Quotes

Oh! was ever woman so blessed as I am.

Author: Queen Victoria

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Malefactors of great wealth have arrogantly ignored the public welfare.

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