Sally Hawkins Quotes

Best 10+ Sally Hawkins Messages, Quotes, and Images

Sally Hawkins Thoughts

Sally Hawkins Thoughts

You only do good work when you're taking risks and pushing yourself.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Sally Hawkins Quotes Images

Sally Hawkins Quotes Images

You think that adulthood will hit and you'll suddenly be more capable. But that doesn't happen, ever, does it?

Author: Sally Hawkins

Sally Hawkins Messages

Sally Hawkins Messages

I love acting but I also love writing, especially comedy.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Short Sally Hawkins Quotes

Short Sally Hawkins Quotes

I'm quite an optimist, quite happy in life, quite smiley.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Simple Sally Hawkins Messages

Simple Sally Hawkins Messages

My feet are like something from another age - prehistoric and troll-like. I keep expecting them to talk, they have that much character.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Sally Hawkins Thoughts

Sally Hawkins Thoughts

You can't be a woman and not be a feminist, I don't think. If you care about the world and the world you exist in and your rights.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Sally Hawkins Messages Images

Sally Hawkins Messages Images

I remember once giving my dad some drawings and writings and said, 'If you could just give these to the publisher, that would be great.' And I was about five!

Author: Sally Hawkins

Short Sally Hawkins Messages

Short Sally Hawkins Messages

I grew up with 'Jane Eyre,' reading it at school, and it's one of those, I think, for a lot of women, a lot of girls, it's the iconic story and so many girls relate to Jane Eyre and her character.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Unique Sally Hawkins Thoughts

Unique Sally Hawkins Thoughts

You always want your films to go as far as they can.

Author: Sally Hawkins

Simple Sally Hawkins Quotes

Simple Sally Hawkins Quotes

My knees buckled. It's the last thing I expected

Author: Sally Hawkins

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