Stephen Covey Messages

Best 20+ Stephen Covey Messages, Quotes, and Images

Stephen Covey Thoughts

Stephen Covey Thoughts

Live your life by a compass, not a clock.

Author: Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey Quotes Images

Stephen Covey Quotes Images

It's better to be trusted than to be liked.

Author: Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey Messages

Stephen Covey Messages

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Author: Stephen Covey

Short Stephen Covey Quotes

Short Stephen Covey Quotes

While we cannot always choose what happens to us, we can choose our responses.

Author: Stephen Covey

Simple Stephen Covey Messages

Simple Stephen Covey Messages

Unless you’re continually improving your skills, you’re quickly becoming irrelevant.

Author: Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey Thoughts

Stephen Covey Thoughts

Little kindness and courtesies are so important. In relationships, the little things are the big things.

Author: Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey Messages Images

Stephen Covey Messages Images

Begin with the end in mind.

Author: Stephen Covey

Short Stephen Covey Messages

Short Stephen Covey Messages

What you do has a far greater impact than what you say.

Author: Stephen Covey

Unique Stephen Covey Thoughts

Unique Stephen Covey Thoughts

Link yourself to your potential, not to your past.

Author: Stephen Covey

Simple Stephen Covey Quotes

Simple Stephen Covey Quotes

Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.

Author: Stephen Covey

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Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.

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