Author: Jack Ma
See all Jack Ma Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
I do everything to make sure my customer is happy, my employee is happy, society is healthy. I would focus on customers, I would focus on not making money, I would focus on making values.
I always find people smarter than I am. Then my job is to make sure smart people can work together. Stupid people can work together easily, smart people can’t.
Success and profitability are outcome of focusing on customers and employees, not objectives.
Don’t hire the most qualified, hire the craziest.
Instead of learning from other people’s success, learn from their mistakes. Most of the people who fail share common reasons (to fail), whereas success can be attributed to various different kinds of reasons.
Philanthropy is not about helping others, it’s about helping yourself. When you change, the world changes.
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Radhe Krishna Status
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