Author: Ann Patchett
See all Ann Patchett Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
Using your imagination is the one time in life you can really go anywhere.
Art stands on the shoulders of craft, which means that to get to the art, you must master the craft.
Sometimes love does not have the most honorable beginnings, and the endings, the endings will break you in half. It's everything in between we live for.
You can’t control what other people think about your art. Think about the part of yourself that you can control, which is your ability to be kind and loving and creative.
Why is it that we understand playing the cello will require work, but we attribute writing to the magic of inspiration?
Society was nothing but a long, dull dinner party conversation in which one was forced to speak to one's partner on both the left and the right.
Love Quotes & Messages
Sad Quotes & Messages
Breakup Quotes & Messages
Angry Quotes & Messages
Love Status in Hindi
Sad Status in Hindi
Attitude Status in Hindi
Alone Status in Hindi
Good Night Status in Hindi
Good Morning Status in Hindi
Mahakal Status
Radhe Krishna Status
Birthday Messages
Birthday Messages for Mom
Birthday Messages for Dad
Birthday Messages for Friends