Author: Samuel Adams
See all Samuel Adams Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
A true patriot would keep the attention of his fellow citizens awake to their grievances, and not allow them to rest till the causes of their just complaints are removed.
How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!
It is no dishonor to be in a minority in the cause of liberty and virtue
It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.
You'll probably get three horses and you have to draw a good buckin' horse. That's mighty tough.
Author: Chris LeDoux
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