Author: John Ruskin
See all John Ruskin Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together.
Do not think of your faults, still less of other's faults; look for what is good and strong, and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off, like dead leaves, when their time comes.
The measure of any great civilization is its cities and a measure of a city's greatness is to be found in the quality of its public spaces, its parks and squares.
There is material enough in a single flower for the ornament of a score of cathedrals.
Beethoven always sounds to me like the upsetting of a bag of nails, with here and there an also dropped hammer.
I believe the first test of a truly great man is in his humility.
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