Author: Amritanandamayi
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Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
Children, meditation is not just sitting with our eyes closed. We should take every action as worship. We should be able to experience His presence everywhere.
Whatever is associated with the mind is bound to change. The truth is that which is changeless. It is the Self.
One who goes after the taste of the tongue does not get to know the taste of the heart.
Children, if we can do archana of the 1000 Names of the Divine Mother daily with devotion, we will grow spiritually. There will never be lack of life’s essentials, food and clothing, in a family that chants the 1000 Names with devotion.
Fighting the wounds of the past will only deepen those wounds. Relaxation is the method that heals the wounds of the mind, not reaction.
The mental disposition of the one who prepares the food is transmitted to all those who consume it. Therefore, as far as possible the mothers should do the cooking for the entire family. If it is done while chanting the mantra, the food will benefit everyone in a spiritual way.
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