Author: Ramakrishna
See all Ramakrishna Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
Common men talk bagfuls of religion but do not practise even a grain of it. The wise man speaks a little, even though his whole life is religion expressed in action.
Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day.
So long as one does not become simple like a child, one does not get divine illumination. Forget all the worldly knowledge that thou hast acquired and become as a child, and then will thou get the divine wisdom.
If a man prays to Thee with a yearning heart, he can reach Thee, through Thy grace, by any path.
The world is not impermanent if one lives there after knowing God.
Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand alone.
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Mahakal Status
Radhe Krishna Status
Birthday Messages
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Birthday Messages for Dad
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