Brahmakumari Shivani Quotes

Brahmakumari Shivani Quotes with Images

Brahmakumari Shivani Quotes

Don’t get upset with little problems because life is like a road and problems are like speed breakers, they save us from big accidents.

When toys are not given to the child, they cry for a moment, but if a child is not given the knowledge of behaviour, he then cries for whole life.

Truth does not need to be proved. Truth has the power to reveal itself.

One of the identity of good people is, that they look at the right things on a person more in comparison to wrong things.

Learn the wisdom of compromise. it’s better to bend a little, rather than break relations forever.

How people think of You is Influenced. By how you think about Your Self.

Today 70% of the people are found sad, just because they don’t think before they speak. And they later realise if they would have told something different instead of that. Always think before you speak.

Respect is not what people speaking in front of you. its what they speak behind you.

To become a good person, work as hard as you do in order to look beautiful.

Do you love or criticize yourself? Do you trust or doubt yourself? Want Love? Accept Yourself. Need Respect? Value Yourself.

Never speak sometime which can hurt someone’s heart. Because time shall pass, but words are always remembered.

When others criticize us, we can reject their opinion, and Protect the self. But when we criticize the self, our mind accepts the criticism. We cannot protect the self From self-criticism Take care of what You Say To Yourself About Yourself.

Always forgive others, even when they don’t ask for.

Don’t worry when someone found faults in your job. Because often, faults are found in the place where there is much more betterment than others.

In life, don’t keep searching for good people, rather, become good yourself, may be you meet someone who has been Searching for a good person.

Every storm do not occur just to harden your life. Some of them removes the obstacles from your journey.

When someone hurts you, it’s better to remain silent. Because time answers to those whom we don’t.

Invest a little time and energy in Teaching your own mind to RELEASE THE EXPECTATIONS.

God don’t always give us all that we want. But he gives us something that is good for us.

We loose our respect, when we insult others.

When we doubt, it increases. when we believe, it increases too. And that depends on you, with whom you want to go with?

Positive thinking doesn’t mean to expect good things to happen.

Your happiness is the biggest punishment for your haters.

Life will keep on, even when there’s no love in the relationship, but it can never connect the relationship.

I Don’t Wait For Time. Change Thoughts & Heal My Wounds.

Even if everyone is nice to us, we can never be happy, if our mind does not speak nicely to us.

Becoming a good person in your sight, is better than being good at other’s sight.

Luckiest people are not those who got everything, but those who make good from whatever is available with them.

Always think before you speak, because before speaking, the words are under your control, but after speaking, you are under the control of those words.

The more we distance negativity, the more we get closer to happiness.

your mindset is responsible for all that you experience throughout the day.

Don’t revenge, try changing yourself.

Let your thoughts be related to what to want in life. They are the seeds, and your dream is the fruit.

you must help those who only remembers you while their need, because they try to find the brightness while in darkness, and you are that brightness.

Stay so happily in life, that whenever someone sees you, he/she too become happy with it.

The easiest way to a happy life is; instead to making others loose, make them win.

You will never be happy if you are always worried about what others think about you.

Relationship is not about Wanting. Relationship is about Giving.

The awesome relationship in the world is that, where a single smile and little forgiveness can turn the things back as it was before.

Relationship is not based on -What we do for each other, how we speak to each other. Relationship is based on How we think about each other.

What is there inside me, and what I live inside, is never known to others.

Life is all about what you are creating, radiating, experiencing, and carrying forward.

As will be your state of mind, so will be your experience throughout the day.

It is not that life is a rollercoaster. Situation coming in life are a rollercoaster.

This entire terrain is uneven, and this is a situation in life. How we walk on it is our state of mind.

If you start taking care of yourself your life will be a beautiful experience.

Life is a beautiful experience of sharing, caring, and cooperating with others.

Time in which we are living today is a time of uncertainty and unpredictability.

The experience of our life is gets created here not there.

Everything which this beautiful me creates today will be beautiful.

A good person always sees the good of others.

Actually, what I am I inside no one else can know that.

Whatever we give to others, it comes back to us. If we give a prayer to someone, then the prayer will come back.

If you control it then your mind is your best friend, but if it controls you then it is your biggest enemy.

Anger and anxiety make you tired most.

If you have the ability to turn bad situations into good ones, then you are lucky.

Positive thinking does not mean that we always expect that everything will be good, but to accept that what is happening is good.

Your happiness is the biggest punishment for your enemy.

Nobody Can Wipe Out Anybody’s Grief, But Everyone Can Erase Their Grief.

If your thinking is high and positive, then everyone will respect you.

A person with positive thinking is always happy and stress-free.

The smiling face is never out of fashion, so always keep smiling.

Please forgive them, even if they ask for forgiveness or not, it is humanity.

Anger can only hurt, no benefit.

There should be no such thing in our mind that makes us sad.

All the storms do not come to bother your life, some come also to clean the path of your destiny.

Where there is pride, there is a feeling of insult.

At the time when we are insulting someone, we are losing our respect.

Make only those thoughts in mind that you want to see happen, the thoughts are seeds and events are its fruits.

Do not give up if you get an opportunity to please someone, they are the angels who can give a grin on someone’s face.

God does not give us all that we like, God gives us everything that is good for us.

If you always want to be with someone, then make a short distance from them.

Do not take revenge but change yourself.

The mistake happens only when God is forgotten.

Happiness is our internal creation and can be created irrespective of external comforts.

Objects, possessions, gadgets are designed to give us comfort.

Happiness is not dependent on physical objects.

Becoming a good person in your eyes is better than to be good in other’s eyes.

When you are unable to speak your mind clearly, you become angry.

How people think of You is Influenced. By how you think about Yourself.

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.

Life is all about what you are creating, radiating, experiencing, and carrying forward.

I am powerful. I am peaceful. I am fearless.

I need to earn happiness. I need to create happiness.

Based on our thoughts, we will either earn happiness or lose happiness.

Since our happiness has become dependent on objects and appreciation from people. It will keep varying – right now it is there and the next moment it will crash.

If I am happy then my happiness should give me everything that I want.

Even a simple or ordinary person can tell you That happiness cannot buy anything from the market.

Happiness means when I am stable. Situation may be turbulent but state of mind is stable.

Happiness is a stable state of mind irrespective of situations, and hence happiness is our strength

When we are peaceful When we meditate Our speed of thoughts reduces.

Our thoughts can become fewer or excessive. But our thinking cannot completely stop.

Happiness is a state of being, created while working towards the goal, not a feeling to be experienced after achieving the goal.

When quality of thoughts is not right Speed of thoughts is higher.

A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything.

Happiness is not based on achievement. It is not at the destination, it is on the journey.

Becoming a good person in your eyes is better than to be good in others’ eyes.

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Don’t get upset with little problems because life is like a road and problems are like speed breakers, they save us from big accidents.
When toys are not given to the child, they cry for a moment, but if a child is not given the knowledge of behaviour, he then cries for whole life.
Truth does not need to be proved. Truth has the power to reveal itself.
One of the identity of good people is, that they look at the right things on a person more in comparison to wrong things.
Learn the wisdom of compromise. it’s better to bend a little, rather than break relations forever.
How people think of You is Influenced. By how you think about Your Self.
Today 70% of the people are found sad, just because they don’t think before they speak. And they later realise if they would have told something different instead of that. Always think before you speak.
Respect is not what people speaking in front of you. its what they speak behind you.
To become a good person, work as hard as you do in order to look beautiful.
Do you love or criticize yourself? Do you trust or doubt yourself? Want Love? Accept Yourself. Need Respect? Value Yourself.
Never speak sometime which can hurt someone’s heart. Because time shall pass, but words are always remembered.
When others criticize us, we can reject their opinion, and Protect the self. But when we criticize the self, our mind accepts the criticism. We cannot protect the self From self-criticism Take care of what You Say To Yourself About Yourself.
Always forgive others, even when they don’t ask for.
Don’t worry when someone found faults in your job. Because often, faults are found in the place where there is much more betterment than others.
In life, don’t keep searching for good people, rather, become good yourself, may be you meet someone who has been Searching for a good person.
Every storm do not occur just to harden your life. Some of them removes the obstacles from your journey.
When someone hurts you, it’s better to remain silent. Because time answers to those whom we don’t.
Invest a little time and energy in Teaching your own mind to RELEASE THE EXPECTATIONS.
God don’t always give us all that we want. But he gives us something that is good for us.
We loose our respect, when we insult others.
When we doubt, it increases. when we believe, it increases too. And that depends on you, with whom you want to go with?
Positive thinking doesn’t mean to expect good things to happen.
Your happiness is the biggest punishment for your haters.
Life will keep on, even when there’s no love in the relationship, but it can never connect the relationship.
I Don’t Wait For Time. Change Thoughts & Heal My Wounds.
Even if everyone is nice to us, we can never be happy, if our mind does not speak nicely to us.
Becoming a good person in your sight, is better than being good at other’s sight.
Luckiest people are not those who got everything, but those who make good from whatever is available with them.
Always think before you speak, because before speaking, the words are under your control, but after speaking, you are under the control of those words.
The more we distance negativity, the more we get closer to happiness.
your mindset is responsible for all that you experience throughout the day.
Don’t revenge, try changing yourself.
Let your thoughts be related to what to want in life. They are the seeds, and your dream is the fruit.
you must help those who only remembers you while their need, because they try to find the brightness while in darkness, and you are that brightness.
Stay so happily in life, that whenever someone sees you, he/she too become happy with it.
The easiest way to a happy life is; instead to making others loose, make them win.
You will never be happy if you are always worried about what others think about you.
Relationship is not about Wanting. Relationship is about Giving.
The awesome relationship in the world is that, where a single smile and little forgiveness can turn the things back as it was before.
Relationship is not based on -What we do for each other, how we speak to each other. Relationship is based on How we think about each other.
What is there inside me, and what I live inside, is never known to others.
Life is all about what you are creating, radiating, experiencing, and carrying forward.
As will be your state of mind, so will be your experience throughout the day.
It is not that life is a rollercoaster. Situation coming in life are a rollercoaster.
This entire terrain is uneven, and this is a situation in life. How we walk on it is our state of mind.
If you start taking care of yourself your life will be a beautiful experience.
Life is a beautiful experience of sharing, caring, and cooperating with others.
Time in which we are living today is a time of uncertainty and unpredictability.
The experience of our life is gets created here not there.
Everything which this beautiful me creates today will be beautiful.
A good person always sees the good of others.
Actually, what I am I inside no one else can know that.
Whatever we give to others, it comes back to us. If we give a prayer to someone, then the prayer will come back.
If you control it then your mind is your best friend, but if it controls you then it is your biggest enemy.
Anger and anxiety make you tired most.
If you have the ability to turn bad situations into good ones, then you are lucky.
Positive thinking does not mean that we always expect that everything will be good, but to accept that what is happening is good.
Your happiness is the biggest punishment for your enemy.
Nobody Can Wipe Out Anybody’s Grief, But Everyone Can Erase Their Grief.
If your thinking is high and positive, then everyone will respect you.
A person with positive thinking is always happy and stress-free.
The smiling face is never out of fashion, so always keep smiling.
Please forgive them, even if they ask for forgiveness or not, it is humanity.
Anger can only hurt, no benefit.
There should be no such thing in our mind that makes us sad.
All the storms do not come to bother your life, some come also to clean the path of your destiny.
Where there is pride, there is a feeling of insult.
At the time when we are insulting someone, we are losing our respect.
Make only those thoughts in mind that you want to see happen, the thoughts are seeds and events are its fruits.
Do not give up if you get an opportunity to please someone, they are the angels who can give a grin on someone’s face.
God does not give us all that we like, God gives us everything that is good for us.
If you always want to be with someone, then make a short distance from them.
Do not take revenge but change yourself.
The mistake happens only when God is forgotten.
Happiness is our internal creation and can be created irrespective of external comforts.
Objects, possessions, gadgets are designed to give us comfort.
Happiness is not dependent on physical objects.
Becoming a good person in your eyes is better than to be good in other’s eyes.
When you are unable to speak your mind clearly, you become angry.
How people think of You is Influenced. By how you think about Yourself.
Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.
Life is all about what you are creating, radiating, experiencing, and carrying forward.
I am powerful. I am peaceful. I am fearless.
I need to earn happiness. I need to create happiness.
Based on our thoughts, we will either earn happiness or lose happiness.
Since our happiness has become dependent on objects and appreciation from people. It will keep varying – right now it is there and the next moment it will crash.
If I am happy then my happiness should give me everything that I want.
Even a simple or ordinary person can tell you That happiness cannot buy anything from the market.
Happiness means when I am stable. Situation may be turbulent but state of mind is stable.
Happiness is a stable state of mind irrespective of situations, and hence happiness is our strength
When we are peaceful When we meditate Our speed of thoughts reduces.
Our thoughts can become fewer or excessive. But our thinking cannot completely stop.
Happiness is a state of being, created while working towards the goal, not a feeling to be experienced after achieving the goal.
When quality of thoughts is not right Speed of thoughts is higher.
A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything.
Happiness is not based on achievement. It is not at the destination, it is on the journey.
Becoming a good person in your eyes is better than to be good in others’ eyes.