Manmohan Singh Quotes
Manmohan Singh Quotes with Images
Manmohan Singh Quotes with Images
India is this great experiment of a billion people of such great diverse persuasions working together, seeking their salvation in the framework of a democracy. I believe it will have some lessons for all the multicultural societies.
Yes, I think India's economy always has been a mixed economy, and by Western standards we are much more of a market economy than a public sector-driven economy.
The first and foremost priority is to finish the unfinished task which the founding fathers of India set out for us at the time of our independence: to get rid of chronic poverty, ignorance, and disease, which have afflicted millions and millions of our people.
The premature migration of very large numbers of people from rural areas to urban areas can give rise to a lot of strains to the urban infrastructure, which can also create problems of crime - law-and-order problems.
With the revolution in information technology, with the revolution in transport technologies, I think just geography has lost its all significance.
Nobody should be allowed to tinker with democracy. We will not discontinue the good works of the past government.
Meaningful solutions to the problems of mass poverty that prevails in India I believe can only be found in the framework of an expanding economy.
My top most priority is to deal with India's massive social and economic problems, so that chronic poverty, ignorance and disease can be conquered in a reasonably short period of time.
Ethical and responsible behavior needs to become the cornerstone of corporate behavior
I do believe that the future of civilization belongs to those who would lay emphasis on working together instead of talking about clash of civilizations.
Unity and secularism will be the motto of the government. We can't afford divisive polity in India.
No nation, no society, no community can hold its head high and claim to be part of the civilized world if it condones the practice of discriminating against one half of humanity represented by women.
Capitalism historically has been a very dynamic force, and behind that force is technical progress, innovation, new ideas, new products, new technologies, and new methods of managing teams.
If you have a rigidly controlled economy, cut off from the rest of the world by infinite protection, nobody has any incentive to increase productivity and to bring new ideas.
India was a late comer to industrialization, and as such, we have contributed very little to the accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But we are determined to be part of the solution to the problem.
Our vision is not just of economic growth, but also of a growth which would improve the life of the common man.
I do believe that India is a unique case. And you need I think exceptional skills I think to incorporate Indian into the world nuclear order.
China is not I think a country which does not regulate, but there is a difference between the Chinese system and the Indian system.
70 percent of India's imports of oil and oil products are imported from abroad. There is uncertainty about supply. There is uncertainty about prices. And that hurts India's development.
If we have access to nuclear energy, that adds to our maneuverability in ensuring energy security as India marches on, on the path to accelerated development.
There may be a difference of the pace at which India moves, but there should be no doubt whatsoever about the direction in which India is going to move in years to come.
Globalization offers us enormous opportunities in the race to leapfrog in development processes. It also obliges us to set in motion processes which would minimize its risks.
Let me say that I think the economic history of the last 150 years clearly shows that if you want to industrialize a country in a short period, let us say 20 years, and you don't have a well-developed private sector, entrepreneurial class, then central planning is important.
I think there are enormous possibilities. And today there are no I think barriers to increased cooperation with India and the United States.
The Chinese economy is growing at the rate of 9 percent; the Indian economy growing at the rate of 8 percent - enormous I think opportunities for two-way flow of trade, technology and investment.
Because the Chinese insistence on one child, I think the proportion of older, non-working age population is going to rise sharply in China.
I have always believed India is a country blessed by God with enormous entrepreneurial skills.
I am convinced the entrepreneurial spirit of the Indian people, if allowed to express itself freely in the marketplace, India will be all right.
India's saving rate will go up. India's investment rate will go up. And I believe that's a plus point.
The death of distance. There is hardly any middle class family in India who doesn't have a son, a daughter, a son-in-law, a brother, a brother-in-law in the United States. That is a very powerful new bond.
Working together in helping nascent democracies in the task of reconstruction, in the task of development is another area where our two countries [India and the USA] can work together.
I think the Chinese do have visions of being a great power. And I think it's legitimate. And I don't see that that's a danger to us.
Together with international unity and resolve we can meet the challenge of this global scourge and work to bring about an international law of zero tolerance for terrorism.
I sincerely believe what happens in India has, I think, lessons, morals for the future evolution of humankind in the 21st century.
Pakistan should be a moderate Islamic state. That it should be a prosperous country is in India's interests, and it is in the world's interests.
Nowhere else you will find a country of India's diversity, of India's complexity, one billion people trying to seek their social and economic salvation in the framework of democracy, in the framework of an open economy.
I believe a large part of humanity will draw appropriate lessons from what is the wave of the future in the 21st century.
I believe whether it is the United States or Europe, they will all end up as multicultural societies.
The salvation of the world ultimately lies in moving towards universal nuclear disarmament, but that's a long distance away.
India has remained a full, functioning democracy.
India is a functioning democracy despite its extreme poverty, India has stayed the course.
Indians, we would like to be a part of the nuclear world order, accepting all the responsibilities that go with being a responsible nuclear power, and at the same time enlarging our options with regard to energy security of our country.
I look upon India-U.S. nuclear cooperation as an act of historic reconciliation.
India has, of course, aspirations of getting out of its poverty, ignorance, and disease which still afflict millions of people. But I do believe that we have something to offer to the rest of the world, including the United States.
[Urbanization] is the inevitable outcome of the processes of growth and the processes of modernization.
Agribusiness and food processing are important parts of modernizing our economy, of modernizing our agriculture and moving into a phase where a more modernized agriculture helps not only farmers but also helps consumers.
In a world in which technology is changing at such a fast pace, where demand conditions change very fast, we need to look at a more innovative mechanism to cut down on this rigmarole of many tiers of decision-making processes.
I do recognize that India has to be the center, the hub of activity as far as the knowledge economy is concerned.
I think, overall, India is today on the move. The economic reforms that our salvation lies in - operating an open society, political system, an open economy, economic system - this has widespread support.
We all know the epicentre of terrorism in the world today is Pakistan. The world community has to come to grips with this harsh reality.
All necessary steps needed to be taken to tackle terrorism will be adopted...but we will keep in mind that a particular religion or section of society does not face problems unnecessary
Protectionism is a very real danger. It is understandable that in times of a severe downturn protectionist pressures mount but the lessons of history are clear. If we give in to protectionist pressures, we will only send the world into a downward spiral.
As the largest and most developed democracies of Asia (India and Japan), we have a mutual stake in each other's progress and prosperity.
Protectionism has to be avoided. Protectionism is not only on goods but also in the area of services. Financial protectionism is also bad and should be avoided.
If certain facilities, local facilities have to be arranged, the local authorities have to come. And that makes the Indian system slow moving, Indian administrative system slow moving.
In a country where employment opportunities are not growing fast enough, the fear of change tends to be very acute.
India's political system also would need to be modernized.
India's infrastructure has to be modernized, has to be expanded at a rate which will I think be consistent with the growth requirements.
My vision is to work for the relationship between India and Pakistan which would be like the relation between Canada and the United States.
If the economy is not expanding, the redistribution of income becomes a zero-sum game. And therefore, all the class struggle - and it becomes much more vicious.
If the economy grows enough, fast enough, the tech system should be modernized so that the tax revenues rise fast enough also, and we should put more money in education.
If the economy is growing fast, there is call for a distributing income from the rich to the poor to to put in place social safety nets.
I am not very good at statistics. I am also a poor thinker.
The essence of Hinduism is that the path may be different, but the goal is the same.
Jawaharlal Nehru wanted India to develop close ties with China and learn from its experience.
I can assure you we are a responsible nuclear power.
Terrorists had the advantage of surprise.
Democracies don't go to war.
China's influence is bound to rise.
China is very important. The future growth of China, China's influence is bound to rise.
I think whatever I've done, I hope I've earned a footnote in India's long and tortuous history.
The emergence of India as a major global power is an idea whose time has come.
I recognize the United States is a superpower. It has various interests. It has to balance various things.
I don't see, I think, any problems between India and the United States.
The United States and India can work together.
I think the modernization of Chinese economy and Chinese society is a prime concern.
Democracy is good for world peace.
What we need is a dialogue amongst civilizations.
Democracy is good for everybody.
I think the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I have to do my duty, whatever task is allotted to me.
India's growth rate will be accelerated, but in the process, America would also benefit.
I believe all societies, all thriving societies of the future are going to be multicultural societies.
A politician before he can become a statesman has to remain in office long enough.
We are a coalition government, and that limits our options in some ways. Privatization happens to be one such area.
Our government is ... committed to unconditional dialogue with anyone and everyone in the state who abjures violence,
I am happy to announce that our government has cleared the purchase of 43 aircraft from Airbus.
We should be targeting a 10 percent growth rate in two to three years' time, ... In my view, this is eminently feasible.
His heart is in the right place. If Sonia Gandhi would let him have a shot at the job she gave him, he might do quite a good job.
We have an obligation to work together to deal with this madness.
If we work together, we can overcome these problems,
I have extended a hand of friendship to Pakistan, our doors are open to everyone who wants to talk to me calmly,
We have not given up and we still hope we can sort out this issue,
We are engaged in a peace process with Pakistan. We are trying to maintain peace between our two countries so that everyone can live happily here,
Our relationship is very special and one that contains exceptional potential, ... Both governments are determined to realize this potential.
India cannot afford to turn a blind eye to security implications of such proliferation activities.
I suffered a lot. But I'm excited. I'm happy that I'll see my wife and children again,
they are generally crowded with women and children. The target was maximum damage.
The honest answer is that regional economic cooperation in South Asia has fallen far short of our expectations.
We reviewed the status of our cooperation including the agenda that was set on July 18, 2005.
ndia's effort has been to persuade the king that the restoration of democracy is absolutely essential to deal with the crisis that has arisen.
India's needs of energy are increasing at an explosive rate.
We have agreed to cooperate in civilian nuclear energy,
These terrorists wish to spread a sense of fear and suspicion among our peace-loving people,