Birthday Wishes for Mother
See all Birthday Wishes for Mother
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day!
For such a young mom you’ve always had such a wise head on your beautiful young shoulders. It’s a shame that also means you know how to keep such close tabs on me using Facebook.
Does this message count as a gift? If not, I’m going to need a list. Happy Birthday from your outstandingly lazy son! You only have yourself to blame!
It takes a special and endearing kind of love to sacrifice everything for someone else: a mother’s love. Thank you for sacrificing so much so that I could have a chance at happiness. You are the absolute best, Mom!
Mom, you have taught me so much through the years. I have learned to value the strength of a mother. I see how much you give every day to make others happy. Happy Birthday and I love you from the bottom of my heart.
You are the type of woman that people love and admire. You are strong, beautiful, courageous, and wise. You can count me among your many admirers, Mom.
Mom, you always know how to make me smile so big it hurts and laugh so much I cry. I don’t know how you manage to do that, but I am so glad that you do.
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