50th Birthday Wishes and Messages

Celebrate a 50th birthday with meaningful messages that make the day unforgettable.

Short 50th Birthday Wishes

Short 50th Birthday Wishes

50 is only a number when you’re forever young.

50th Birthday Wishes

Simple 50th Birthday Wishes

Simple 50th Birthday Wishes

50-years-old and at the top of your game. Well done!

50th Birthday Wishes

Best 50th Birthday Wishes

Best 50th Birthday Wishes

You look great for any age— and incredible for 50!

50th Birthday Wishes

latest 50th Birthday Wishes

latest 50th Birthday Wishes

You’re the youngest 50-year-old I know!

50th Birthday Wishes

Unique 50th Birthday Wishes

Unique 50th Birthday Wishes

You’ve created a wonderful life and a beautiful family. Congrats on 50 amazing years!

50th Birthday Wishes

Amazing 50th Birthday Wishes

Amazing 50th Birthday Wishes

If you’re the new face of 50, then it’s going to be a BEAUTIFUL year!

50th Birthday Wishes

Sweet 50th Birthday Wishes

Sweet 50th Birthday Wishes

Turning 50 may be mandatory, but growing up is optional. Happy Birthday, kiddo!

50th Birthday Wishes

Touching 50th Birthday Wishes

Touching 50th Birthday Wishes

Whoever says 50 is the new 30, let’s hang out with them!

50th Birthday Wishes

Deep 50th Birthday Wishes

Deep 50th Birthday Wishes

If getting older means getting better…you’re approaching perfection!

50th Birthday Wishes

meaningful 50th Birthday Wishes

meaningful 50th Birthday Wishes

You only turn 50 once. Make the hangover worth it!

50th Birthday Wishes

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You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized. It’s okay. Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do.

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Dear brother, it is because of you that I have turned out to be all that I am today. I will always owe you for all the things I know and can do. Thanks for being who you are.

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Birthday Wishes for Sister

Sisters are supposed to be bossy, vain and that other word for witchy. But you’re none of those things. You’re just, well, amazing! Happy birthday, sis!

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Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

You bring more than a smile to my face. You bring endless beauty and love to my life. I love you.

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Birthday Wishes for Friends

Today is the one day where I cannot tell you how annoying you are, but instead, I have to remind you of all of your good qualities that I hate to admit, but they certainly are a lot. One of them being that life never gets boring around you, and I absolutely love that.

Birthday Wishes for Friends

Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend

I always wanted a boyfriend who was a bad boy at heart but also someone who I could take home to meet my parents. Happy birthday to one such guy.

Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend