Birthday Wishes for Twins

Find unique birthday wishes for twins that capture their individual personalities. Copy and share.

Short Birthday Wishes for Twins

Short Birthday Wishes for Twins

Double the laughter, double the grins, and double the trouble when you are friends with twins.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Simple Birthday Wishes for Twins

Simple Birthday Wishes for Twins

People may come and go, but the advantage of being a twin is you will always be there for each other. May you always be together.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Best Birthday Wishes for Twins

Best Birthday Wishes for Twins

Many many happy returns of the day, my favorite twins! Success will always kiss your feet since you always have each other’s back.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

latest Birthday Wishes for Twins

latest Birthday Wishes for Twins

You finish each other’s sentences and can read one another’s mind. A special bond like yours is hard to find. So, cherish this bond. You guys are one of a kind.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Unique Birthday Wishes for Twins

Unique Birthday Wishes for Twins

You guys are like twin stars spreading your sparkle wherever you go. On your birthday, may God fill your life with love and happiness.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Amazing Birthday Wishes for Twins

Amazing Birthday Wishes for Twins

I promise to tell you apart someday. Till then, accept my one birthday wish for both of you.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Sweet Birthday Wishes for Twins

Sweet Birthday Wishes for Twins

Sharing a birthday means getting only half the cake, but sharing it with your twin means double the love. Happy birthday to the perfect pair!

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Touching Birthday Wishes for Twins

Touching Birthday Wishes for Twins

You guys make every day twice as beautiful for me. Happy birthday, my dearest twins!

Birthday Wishes for Twins

Deep Birthday Wishes for Twins

Deep Birthday Wishes for Twins

Having an identical twin is like always looking into the mirror. May you always reflect happiness and joy when you see each other.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

meaningful Birthday Wishes for Twins

meaningful Birthday Wishes for Twins

When I met you two, it was like meeting the most amazing human being twice, have a lovely birthday, my wonderful friends.

Birthday Wishes for Twins

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Birthday Wishes for Twins

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Birthday Wishes for Twins