Cate Blanchett Quotes

Best 20+ Cate Blanchett Messages, Quotes, and Images

Cate Blanchett Thoughts

Cate Blanchett Thoughts

If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett Quotes Images

Cate Blanchett Quotes Images

I love strange choices. I'm always interested in people who depart from what is expected of them and go into new territory.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett Messages

Cate Blanchett Messages

Mind the gap - it's the distance between life as you dream it and life as it is.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Short Cate Blanchett Quotes

Short Cate Blanchett Quotes

Some ideas, like what you're going to do with your life, take time to form.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Simple Cate Blanchett Messages

Simple Cate Blanchett Messages

I couldn't possibly have played someone with feelings towards a woman unless I had those feelings myself.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett Thoughts

Cate Blanchett Thoughts

I don't tell the truth, I tell what ought to be the truth.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett Messages Images

Cate Blanchett Messages Images

I think it's always good to take on things that at first seem bigger than you. Then you just try and surmount them.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Short Cate Blanchett Messages

Short Cate Blanchett Messages

I'm of the opinion that it's okay to be silent, to not speak if you don't have anything to say.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Unique Cate Blanchett Thoughts

Unique Cate Blanchett Thoughts

The less one can think about oneself, the more interesting and attractive one becomes.

Author: Cate Blanchett

Simple Cate Blanchett Quotes

Simple Cate Blanchett Quotes

I think you need to have a healthy sense of doubt because I think doubt leads to inquiry.

Author: Cate Blanchett

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