Jose Canseco Quotes

Best 10+ Jose Canseco Messages, Quotes, and Images

Jose Canseco Thoughts

Jose Canseco Thoughts

I am and will always be just simply a basball player, my tomb stone will just say. Baseball.

Author: Jose Canseco

Jose Canseco Quotes Images

Jose Canseco Quotes Images

Time travel is possible. Will explain later

Author: Jose Canseco

Jose Canseco Messages

Jose Canseco Messages

Every time that I have ever tried to help a woman out, I have been incarcerated.

Author: Jose Canseco

Short Jose Canseco Quotes

Short Jose Canseco Quotes

I was a professional athlete, the best baseball player in the world at one point.

Author: Jose Canseco

Simple Jose Canseco Messages

Simple Jose Canseco Messages

If you look at our world, it's a world of critique.

Author: Jose Canseco

Jose Canseco Thoughts

Jose Canseco Thoughts

My motive, and I will make it clear and look you in the eyes, is to attack major league baseball. That's my motive.

Author: Jose Canseco

Jose Canseco Messages Images

Jose Canseco Messages Images

I don't think I've lost a beat at all. Because of my physique and my look...I fit in the natural action-hero role.

Author: Jose Canseco

Short Jose Canseco Messages

Short Jose Canseco Messages

I think baseball owes McGwire a gratitude of thanks for putting baseball back on the map where it should be.

Author: Jose Canseco

Unique Jose Canseco Thoughts

Unique Jose Canseco Thoughts

The fans love the home runs, the home run competition between Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa.

Author: Jose Canseco

Simple Jose Canseco Quotes

Simple Jose Canseco Quotes

I've found that it's a great stress reliever to get adjusted. It takes away a lot of the tightness in the muscles.

Author: Jose Canseco

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