Author: Jennifer Jason Leigh
See all Jennifer Jason Leigh Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
Children accept their world as the world. I grew up like kids that I went to school with. Their parents were either shrinks or actors.
In some ways, you're always redefining your craft and figuring it out, but in some ways, I almost feel I'm going back to what I was doing 20 years ago.
I used to hang out by the food table at parties because you don't have to talk to anybody. If you do then you can talk about the food.
I love being in therapy. It's just constantly fulfilling for me.
It usually takes about two and a half weeks after you're done filming where you kind of return to yourself again.
Even if the role is very far away from me, to try and make it as nakedly me as possible is an intriguing notion.
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Radhe Krishna Status
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Birthday Messages for Dad
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