Author: Walter Cronkite
See all Walter Cronkite Quotes
Good Night Messages for Wife
The first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world.
Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart. You want to linger as long as possible.
Everybody knows that there's a liberal, that there's a heavy liberal persuasion among correspondents.
I am a news presenter, a news broadcaster, an anchorman, a managing editor - not a commentator or analyst. I feel no compulsion to be a pundit.
Our task is not to tell the truth; we are opinion molders.
It is a seldom proffered argument as to the advantages of a free press that it has a major function in keeping the government itself informed as to what the government is doing.
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