Author: Zooey Deschanel
See all Zooey Deschanel Quotes
Egypt Revolution Day Wishes
World Hepatitis Day Wishes
I like having a schedule. I tend to be the type of person that thrives on something being regular.
Summer has always been my favorite season. I feel happier.
I love singing Christmas carols. I know every harmony to every music-hall Christmas song.
I am always early to work but sometimes late to other things.
I like a lot of old films, I like a lot old music, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that I like the idea of knowing what happens before, so that I can understand it.
When I was 13, I wasn't the coolest kid in my class, and that inner dork is a wonderful thing to have.
Love Quotes & Messages
Sad Quotes & Messages
Breakup Quotes & Messages
Angry Quotes & Messages
Love Status in Hindi
Sad Status in Hindi
Attitude Status in Hindi
Alone Status in Hindi
Good Night Status in Hindi
Good Morning Status in Hindi
Mahakal Status
Radhe Krishna Status
Birthday Messages
Birthday Messages for Mom
Birthday Messages for Dad
Birthday Messages for Friends