Author: John Taylor Gatto
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Good Night Messages for Wife
I realized if you can change a classroom, you can change a community, and if you change enough communities you can change the world.
Author: Erin Gruwell
It's been a horrifying academic secret for decades that the children who walk away with the highest formal honors, the valedictorians and National Merit Scholars, have a horrendous performance record in later life.
Teaching is a function, not a profession. Anything with something to offer can teach.
I urge you to examine in your own mind the assumptions which must lay behind using the police power to insist that once-sovereign spirits have no choice but to submit to being schooled by strangers.
School is a twelve-year jail sentence where bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned.
The premise upon which mass compulsion schooling is based is dead wrong. It tries to shoehorn every style, culture, and personality into one ugly boot that fits nobody.
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