Author: Arundhati Roy
See all Arundhati Roy Quotes
Good Night Messages for Wife
Wars are never fought for altruistic reasons. They're usually fought for hegemony, for business. And then of course there's the business of war.
NGOs are dangerous. They do what the missionaries used to do in Colonial times. They are Trojan Horses. The worse the situation, the more the NGOs.
The idea of justice - even just dreaming of justice - is revolutionary. The language of human rights tends to accept a status quo that is intrinsically unjust - and then tries to make it more accountable.
Making bombs will only destroy us. It doesn't matter whether we use them or not. They will destroy us either way.
States have invested themselves with the right to legitimise violence - so who gets criminalised and delegitimised? Only - or well that's excessive - usually, the resistance.
Fiction and non-fiction are only different techniques of story telling. For reasons I do not fully understand, fiction dances out of me. Non-fiction is wrenched out by the aching, broken world I wake up to every morning.
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