Karma Quotes and Messages - Page 5

Explore the principles of cause and effect with our Karma Quotes. Discover wisdom and insights into the interplay of actions and consequences.

Lovely karma quotes

Lovely karma quotes

The universe does not carry debts, it always returns back to you what you gave it.

Karma Quotes

Nice karma quotes

Nice karma quotes

Your work tells karma that you should give a reward or punishment.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

Karma is extremely efficient if one is extremely patient.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

People who create their own drama deserve their own karma.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

If you give your best to someone it will most definitely come back to you, often from a different person altogether.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

Karma is like gravity – it’s so basic, we don’t even notice it.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

You reap what you sow: Life is like a boomerang. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

You have to be very careful when involving yourself with someone else’s karma.

Karma Quotes

karma quotes

karma quotes

Stop blaming others for the pains and sufferings you have. They are because of you, your karma, and your disposition.

Karma Quotes

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