Values Quotes and Messages - Page 3

Discover the values that matter most to you and live your best life with these inspiring quotes.

values quotes Images

values quotes Images

Be honest with yourself and clarify your values.

Values Quotes

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values quotes photos

Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty.

Values Quotes

Heart Touching values quotes

Heart Touching values quotes

Remember, your values are just that

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty and good faith.

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

When we honor our values, we commit to actions that support our authentic selves.

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

I do not care about happiness simply because I believe that joy is something worth fighting for.

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

It requires courageous, well informed, and sensitive souls to appreciate the values of others.

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

Value is not made of money, but a tender balance of expectation and longing.

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

Learning about your values will teach you what you're made of and what kind of person you are.

Values Quotes

values quotes

values quotes

Your values are powerful because they provide you with the clarity of mission and the resolve to be ever vigilant.

Values Quotes

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Values Quotes