Aesop Thoughts

Best 40+ Aesop Messages, Quotes, and Images

Aesop Thoughts

Aesop Thoughts

Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.

Author: Aesop

Aesop Quotes Images

Aesop Quotes Images

Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool

Author: Aesop

Aesop Messages

Aesop Messages

The unhappy derive comfort from the misfortunes of others.

Author: Aesop

Short Aesop Quotes

Short Aesop Quotes

Facts speak plainer than words

Author: Aesop

Simple Aesop Messages

Simple Aesop Messages

One who steals has no right to complain if he is robbed.

Author: Aesop

Aesop Thoughts

Aesop Thoughts

Those who assume a character which does not belong to them, only make themselves ridiculous.

Author: Aesop

Aesop Messages Images

Aesop Messages Images

Kindness is more persuasive than force.

Author: Aesop

Short Aesop Messages

Short Aesop Messages

Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.

Author: Aesop

Unique Aesop Thoughts

Unique Aesop Thoughts

Those who cry the loudest are not always the ones who are hurt the most

Author: Aesop

Simple Aesop Quotes

Simple Aesop Quotes

Wealth unused might as well not exist.

Author: Aesop

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To be well prepared for war is the best guarantee of peace.

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Author: Aesop