Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes with Images
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes with Images
Jobless people will have no self-confidence. And they feel they are worthless because when you don't have a job you have to rely on someone.
When you decide to follow a certain path, you should follow it to the end and not be diverted from it for personal reasons.
Justice is a dream. But it is a dream that we are determined to realize.
With the right kind of institutions, starting with the rule of law, Burma could progress very quickly.
Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contested by any government or nation, not even the most belligerent.
The people of my country want the two freedoms that spell security: freedom from want and freedom from fear.
If you can make people understand why freedom is so important through the arts, that would be a big help.
If you're feeling helpless, help someone.
The history of the world shows that peoples and societies do not have to pass through a fixed series of stages in the course of development.
I only used a cell phone for the first time after I was released. I had difficulty coping with it because it seemed so small and insubstantial.
Some of the most relaxing weekends I have ever enjoyed were those I spent quietly with a sense of all work to date completed, and an absorbing mystery.
Human rights must be protected by the rule of law, and there can never be occasions where human rights can be neglected or ignored or the rule of law set aside.
If I advocate cautious optimism it is not because I do not have faith in the future but because I do not want to encourage blind faith.
How can you call it a sacrifice when you choose to do something because you believe in it?
If you feel helpless, go help someone.
One should mature over 20 years.
Democracy, like liberty, justice and other social and political rights, is not "given", it is earned through courage, resolution and sacrifice.
People ask me about what sacrifices I've made. I always answer: I've made no sacrifices, I've made choices.
Regimented minds cannot grasp the concept of confrontation as an open exchange of major differences with a view to settlement through genuine dialogue.
In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth women are not merely "tolerated", they are valued.
The important thing is fear should not control your actions. It should not dictate what you do.
You may not think about politics, but politics think about you.
The greatest gift for an individual or a nation... was abhaya, fearlessness, not merely bodily courage but absence of fear from the mind.
The peace of our world is indivisible. As long as negative forces are getting the better of positive forces anywhere, we are all at risk.
I think that freedom is sometimes a state of mind. Sometimes, mind you, but not always.
Each man has in him the potential to realize the truth through his own will and endeavour and to help others to realize it.
Fear is a habit; I am not afraid.
We have to choose between dialogue and utter devastation.
There is no hope without endeavor.
Sometimes, 24 hours can bring a total revolutionary change.
I've always thought that the best solution for those who feel helpless is for them to help others.
Human beings the world over need freedom and security that they may be able to realize their full potential.
The good ruler sublimates his needs as an individual to the service of the nation.
I think more women should be involved in politics for the good of the human race.
I think sometimes if you are alone, you are freer because your time is your own.
It would be difficult to dispel ignorance unless there is freedom to pursue the truth unfettered by fear.
Kindness can change the lives of people.
There is a time to be quiet and a time to talk.
Freedom and democracy are dreams you never give up.
My top priority is for people to understand that they have the power to change things themselves.
Since we live in this world, we have to do our best for this world.
Fundamental violations of human rights always lead to people feeling less and less human.
I always say that one has no right to hope without endeavor.
Even one voice can be heard loudly all over the world in this day and age.
Challenges mean opportunities as well.
Please use your freedom to promote ours.
Fear is not the natural state of civilized people.
The true measure of the justice of a system is the amount of protection it guarantees to the weakest.
There is nothing to be gained by being unnecessarily nasty. Violence begets violence.
By helping others, you will learn how to help yourselves.
Democracy is when the people keep a government in check.
If you give in to intimidation, you'll go on being intimidated
If you are feeling helpless, help someone.
It is not enough to sit and hope. You have to work in order to realize your hopes.
The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear
Humor is one of the best ingredients of survival.
We will surely get to our destination if we join hands.
It is not power that corrupts but fear.
You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.