Carlos Slim Quotes
Carlos Slim Quotes with Images
Carlos Slim Quotes with Images
Anything that has privileges has a responsibility and all people that are clear about their responsibility has to compromise.
In this new wave of technology, you can’t do it all yourself, you have to form alliances.
With three workdays a week, we would have more time to relax, for quality of life.
Business leaders need to work to create human capital.
With a good perspective of history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present.
The fruit of wealth is income.
When you are convinced of what to do and what you need to do, it’s not hard to do that.
If you are in business, you are not enjoying it. You are working.
Focus on essentials and try not to get distracted.
Inertia is in our minds always.
The biggest thing in life is not materials.
Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity.
Mistakes are normal and human. Make them small, accept them, correct them, and forget them.
Firm and patient optimism always yields its rewards.
Choose the right employees and then set them loose.
Work well done is not only a responsibility to yourselves and society; it is also an emotional need.
All businesses make mistakes. The trick is to avoid large ones.
You cannot live without doing something.
The only way you finish with poverty is with jobs.
When we decide to do something, we do it quickly.
Maintain austerity in good times to avoid layoffs in bad times.
All times are good times for those who know how to work.
Poverty isn’t solved with donations.