Chris LeDoux Quotes

Best 10+ Chris LeDoux Messages, Quotes, and Images

Chris LeDoux Thoughts

Chris LeDoux Thoughts

Sometimes a hard day's work is easier than a lot of things you can meet in life.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Chris LeDoux Quotes Images

Chris LeDoux Quotes Images

When I come up with an idea about the way I feel, I can really state it strongly in a song.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Chris LeDoux Messages

Chris LeDoux Messages

Why not just do something a little more on the gentle side?

Author: Chris LeDoux

Short Chris LeDoux Quotes

Short Chris LeDoux Quotes

Sleepin' in the truck wasn't so bad. Shoot, I kind of liked that, myself.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Simple Chris LeDoux Messages

Simple Chris LeDoux Messages

And takin' a bath in the creek. That's the stuff that really made it worthwhile. Anybody can stay in a motel.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Chris LeDoux Thoughts

Chris LeDoux Thoughts

I can remember sittin in a cafe when I first started in rodeo, and waitin until somebody got done so I could finish what they left.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Chris LeDoux Messages Images

Chris LeDoux Messages Images

I admire bull riders for their passion and the uniqueness each one of them has.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Short Chris LeDoux Messages

Short Chris LeDoux Messages

I'm healed up and I feel great. After going through the fire, it's great to be out performing again.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Unique Chris LeDoux Thoughts

Unique Chris LeDoux Thoughts

You hope your buddies will win so you don't have to loan them any money.

Author: Chris LeDoux

Simple Chris LeDoux Quotes

Simple Chris LeDoux Quotes

You get to where you kind of like it, and It's a habit That's hard to break. I still find myself sittin' in a cafe, like a pizza parlor.

Author: Chris LeDoux

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