Clement Attlee Quotes
Clement Attlee Quotes with Images
Clement Attlee Quotes with Images
Not Churchill. Sixty-five, old for a Churchill.
I am a diffident man. I find it hard to carry on a conversation.
Can't publish. Don't rhyme, don't scan.
I think the British have the distinction above all other nations of being able to put new wine into old bottles without bursting them.
The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne that has stood for five days
It is dangerous to play politics with the Budget.
The press lives on disaster.
Fifty percent of Winston is genius, fifty percent bloody fool. He will behave like a child.
An empty taxi drew up outside 10 Downing Street and Clement Attlee got out of it.
Why does Mosley always speak as though he were a feudal landlord abusing tenants who are in arrears with their rent ?
I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
I just love Chinese food. My favourite dish is number 27.
A lot of clever people have got everything except judgement
Russian Communism is the illegitimate child of Karl Marx and Catherine the Great.
In a life and death struggle, we cannot afford to leave our destinies in the hands of failures.
Winston Churchill - fifty per cent genius, fifty per cent bloody fool.
Man's material discoveries have outpaced his moral progress.
A period of silence on your part would be welcome.
You will be judged by what you succeed at gentlemen, not by what you attempt
Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking.
If you begin to consider yourself solely responsible to a political party, you're half-way to a dictatorship.
Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim.