Craig Groeschel Quotes
Craig Groeschel Quotes with Images
Craig Groeschel Quotes with Images
When it comes to your marriage, if the grass looks greener somewhere else, it's time to water your own yard!
When we love deeply, love makes us do things we wouldn’t otherwise do.
Offer God what you have and trust Him to give you what you need.
Belief overflows to behavior. First we need to change what we believe. when we truly change what we believe, we’ll gladly change how we behave.
Being consumed by what people think of you is the fastest way to forget what God thinks of you.
Don’t worry when you meet opposition for obeying God. Worry when you don’t have opposition, because you’re probably not obeying God.
The key to success in any organization is identifying, developing, and empowering the right people.
You want to make a big bold difference in this world? Then pray big, bold prayers.
Good things are not necessarily God things.
Be yourself. Authenticity trumps cool every time.
Sometimes God guides by what He withholds, rather than what He provides.
Rather than just reacting to the waves of things that come, ride them with deliberate intention.
To step toward your destiny, you may have to step away from your security.
Good can be the enemy of great.
Failure is an event, not a person. You are NOT a failure!
Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually.
If you are not ready to face opposition then you are not ready to be used by God.
If you're not're not done.
God will often give you more than you can handle so you can learn to depend on Him rather than on yourself.
Being in the wrong place never helps you do the right thing.
If your character is not strengthening, your future is weakening.
All people end up somewhere in life, but few end up there on purpose.
You can have control. You can have growth. But, you can't have both.
We will do anything short of sin to reach people for Christ.
If the Devil can’t make us really bad, then he’ll try to make us really busy.
When focus increases, options decrease.
We need to step into certain uncertainty. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
What we value determines what we do.
Most of life's battles are won or lost in the mind.
What you pray for reflects what you believe about God.
Your brain does not understand what you are capable of. There is way more inside of you than you can imagine.
If your vision doesn’t compel, move or stir people, your vision is too small.
Don’t insult God with safe living and small thinking.
Don't insult God with safe living and small thinking.
To step toward your destiny, you have to step away from your security.
Your prayer for someone may or may not change them, but it always changes YOU.
You are not who others say you are. You are who God says you are.
If you delegate authority, you will build leaders.
“You are only as strong as you are honest
Never let the presence of a storm cause you to doubt the presence of God
What you fear reveals where you trust God the least.
If you want to reach people nobody is reaching, you’ve got to do things nobody is doing.
“Most of life’s battles are won or lost in the mind.
God is not calling us to go to church; he is calling us to be his church, the hope of the world.