Dave Mustaine Messages

Best 30+ Dave Mustaine Messages, Quotes, and Images

Dave Mustaine Thoughts

Dave Mustaine Thoughts

Next thing you know they'll take your thoughts away.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Dave Mustaine Quotes Images

Dave Mustaine Quotes Images

David Gilmour can do more with one note than most other guitar players can do with the whole fretboard

Author: Dave Mustaine

Dave Mustaine Messages

Dave Mustaine Messages

I want to write something that makes it easy for young people to look right into the abyss.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Short Dave Mustaine Quotes

Short Dave Mustaine Quotes

My guitar was a loyal person to me.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Simple Dave Mustaine Messages

Simple Dave Mustaine Messages

I like jazz, but I could never play it. You just sit there with a guitar the size of a Chevy on your chest, wearing a stupid hat, playing the same solo for an hour.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Dave Mustaine Thoughts

Dave Mustaine Thoughts

When I left New York, after getting fired from Metallica, all I remember is that I wanted blood. Theirs.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Dave Mustaine Messages Images

Dave Mustaine Messages Images

If you shake my hand, better count your fingers

Author: Dave Mustaine

Short Dave Mustaine Messages

Short Dave Mustaine Messages

What do I bring to the Democratic National Convention that other reporters don't? Hair.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Unique Dave Mustaine Thoughts

Unique Dave Mustaine Thoughts

I collect books and I have some really, really old schoolbooks, and God is mentioned on every single page.

Author: Dave Mustaine

Simple Dave Mustaine Quotes

Simple Dave Mustaine Quotes

Military intelligence, two words combined that cant make sense

Author: Dave Mustaine

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Don't run with your legs, run with your heart.

Don't run with your legs, run with your heart.

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The spring of the New Age is here, bursting forth in perfect harmony, beauty and abundance; and nothing can stop it from coming about.

The spring of the New Age is here, bursting forth in perfect harmony, beauty and abundance; and nothing can stop it from coming about.

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We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts.

We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts.

Author: Madeleine L'Engle

I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.

I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.

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I’m a nobody telling everybody about Somebody who can save anybody.

I’m a nobody telling everybody about Somebody who can save anybody.

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I care more about what God knows than what man says.

I care more about what God knows than what man says.

Author: Dave Mustaine