Daymond John Quotes
Daymond John Quotes with Images
Daymond John Quotes with Images
I've failed way more than I've succeeded.
Truth is the easiest thing to sell.
You don’t get rich off your day job, you get rich off your homework.
If you aren't living your dreams then you're living your fears.
I do today what people won't, so I achieve tomorrow what other people can't.
Life is a cruel teacher. She loves to give you the test first and the lesson later.
It will never be a perfect time, you can only make time perfect.
Success is waking up every day and doing what you want to do
You don't have to work for a big corporation if you don't want to.
I'm a big advocate of financial intelligence.
Product is always king.
You can make up your own opinion, but you can't make up your own facts, go sell.
In my mind, there are too many copycat web products out there that are doing the same thing.
As an entrepreneur, you never stop learning.
I consider each business investment based on concept and revenue.
If I invest in a CEO, I need him or her to have experience in sales.
A savvy entrepreneur will not always look for investment money, first.
Pioneers get slaughtered, and the settlers prosper.
I look to work with businesses that know what they are doing but need larger distribution or exposure.
Always dress to what is accurate to who and what you are.
Money is a great slave but a horrible master.
We all want the freedom to make our own decisions.
Strategic partners are way more important than money.
I don't want to leave my kids an inheritance, I want to leave them a legacy
Poor people put a low value on themselves and their efforts.