Dean Karnazes Quotes

Dean Karnazes Quotes with Images

Dean Karnazes Quotes

Sure I'm cut but not for the sake of vanity.

Go out hard and finish harder.

The marathon is an opportunity for redemption. Opportunity, because the outcome is uncertain. Opportunity, because it is up to you, and only you, to make it happen.

I love to run and I have some tips to keep it fresh and novel. I rarely use the same route twice. That keeps things new.

Want a strong, solid relationship that is willing to go the distance? Get to know your running shoes.

How to run an ultramarathon ? Puff out your chest, put one foot in front of the other, and don't stop till you cross the finish line.

I run because it always takes me where I want to go.

You cannot grow and expand your capabilities without running the risk of failure.

If you just go out there and run 100 miles, it breaks down a lot of barriers in terms of self-imposed limitations.

I've raced on all seven continents at least twice. I've probably run thousands of races. But the single race that I'm most proud is a 10K. Yes, a 10K. I ran it with my daughter on her 10th birthday.

The only one who can tell you "You can't" is you. And you don't have to listen.-Nike

When all else fails, start running!

A lot of ultramarathoners are soloists. They're single and live lives off the grid.

Somewhere along the line we seem to have confused comfort with happiness.

If it felt good, you didn't push hard enough. It's supposed to hurt like hell.

For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't.

Sometimes you've got to go through hell to get to heaven.

Regardless of how distant your dreams may seem, every second counts.

There is magic in misery. Just ask any runner.

We have killed our souls with comfort instead of seeking fulfillment and achievement.

I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary.

I never feel more alive than when I'm in great pain, struggling against insurmountable odds and untold adversity. Hardship? Suffering? Bring it!

Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy.

Running is about finding your inner peace, and so is a life well lived.

Unless you're not pushing yourself, you're not living to the fullest. You can't be afraid to fail, but unless you fail, you haven't pushed hard enough."

Don't confuse comfort with happiness.

If you keep chasing your dreams, one day you'll catch them.

Any goal worth achieving involves an element of risk.

Listen to everyone, follow no one.

Don't run with your legs, run with your heart.

Even if you're inches away from the finish, never take success for granted.

The human body has limitations. The human spirit is boundless.

Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.

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Sure I'm cut but not for the sake of vanity.
Go out hard and finish harder.
The marathon is an opportunity for redemption. Opportunity, because the outcome is uncertain. Opportunity, because it is up to you, and only you, to make it happen.
I love to run and I have some tips to keep it fresh and novel. I rarely use the same route twice. That keeps things new.
Want a strong, solid relationship that is willing to go the distance? Get to know your running shoes.
How to run an ultramarathon ? Puff out your chest, put one foot in front of the other, and don't stop till you cross the finish line.
I run because it always takes me where I want to go.
You cannot grow and expand your capabilities without running the risk of failure.
If you just go out there and run 100 miles, it breaks down a lot of barriers in terms of self-imposed limitations.
I've raced on all seven continents at least twice. I've probably run thousands of races. But the single race that I'm most proud is a 10K. Yes, a 10K. I ran it with my daughter on her 10th birthday.
The only one who can tell you
When all else fails, start running!
A lot of ultramarathoners are soloists. They're single and live lives off the grid.
Somewhere along the line we seem to have confused comfort with happiness.
If it felt good, you didn't push hard enough. It's supposed to hurt like hell.
For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't.
Sometimes you've got to go through hell to get to heaven.
Regardless of how distant your dreams may seem, every second counts.
There is magic in misery. Just ask any runner.
We have killed our souls with comfort instead of seeking fulfillment and achievement.
I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary.
I never feel more alive than when I'm in great pain, struggling against insurmountable odds and untold adversity. Hardship? Suffering? Bring it!
Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy.
Running is about finding your inner peace, and so is a life well lived.
Unless you're not pushing yourself, you're not living to the fullest. You can't be afraid to fail, but unless you fail, you haven't pushed hard enough.
Don't confuse comfort with happiness.
If you keep chasing your dreams, one day you'll catch them.
Any goal worth achieving involves an element of risk.
Listen to everyone, follow no one.
Don't run with your legs, run with your heart.
Even if you're inches away from the finish, never take success for granted.
The human body has limitations. The human spirit is boundless.
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.