Dustin Hoffman Quotes

Best 30+ Dustin Hoffman Messages, Quotes, and Images

Dustin Hoffman Thoughts

Dustin Hoffman Thoughts

Depressed, anxious, sad, frightened? Yes. But I've never been bored.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman Quotes Images

Dustin Hoffman Quotes Images

This is your life. Now go make it the one you've always wanted.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman Messages

Dustin Hoffman Messages

I don't like the fact that I have to get older so fast, but I like the fact that I'm aging so well.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Short Dustin Hoffman Quotes

Short Dustin Hoffman Quotes

I'd like to thank my parents for not practicing birth control.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Simple Dustin Hoffman Messages

Simple Dustin Hoffman Messages

It's true what they say about failure. You don't learn from success.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman Thoughts

Dustin Hoffman Thoughts

I did a movie called Marathon Man and it was one of my best memories.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman Messages Images

Dustin Hoffman Messages Images

37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Short Dustin Hoffman Messages

Short Dustin Hoffman Messages

To have a successful marriage, a man must, on a fundamental level be scared shitless of his wife.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Unique Dustin Hoffman Thoughts

Unique Dustin Hoffman Thoughts

Life is an occasion...rise to it.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

Simple Dustin Hoffman Quotes

Simple Dustin Hoffman Quotes

The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.

Author: Dustin Hoffman

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