Geoffrey Rush Quotes

Geoffrey Rush Quotes with Images

Geoffrey Rush Quotes

But as my voice coach keeps saying, if we actually spoke the way they imagine the Elizabethan voice might have been, we wouldn't be able to understand it.

What I appreciated was the fact that the script delved into how Australians were - and still are - condescended to by the English.

There's four biggies. There was Elizabeth I, George III, Victoria, and the current queen, who really dominated four eras.

Someone told me that there's a connection to Superman, that in an early edition of the Green Lantern comics, Tomar Re was the envoy to Krypton. That was fascinating to me.

They were saying, 'Keep this under your hat, but Jack Sparrow's going to die in the second movie.' I went, 'You're kidding me. The fans are going to go berserk.'

When you are playing an egomaniac running a fantastical ship, you don't want him to be too suburban. Naturalism doesn't work on the high seas.

I guess I've been fortunate in having an ongoing film career while being based in Melbourne. I'm happy to commute. A day on a plane. Come on. It's easy.

I would always slip away to the cinema. I always found something absolutely extraordinary about the fact that these actors were always kind of kicking hard at some new dimension they were doing on film.

I knew all about Edward VIII's abdication, George VI becoming the king and having a stammer, but nothing about how he got rid of it.

I didn't know the Green Lantern comics at all. I was a Superman reader.

Yes, anally retentive men are my forte!

I think that Ionesco's greatest weapon is that he's able to make us laugh at the darkest corners of our souls.

When people come and tell me I was terrific in this or that, I do not want to fall flat on my face next time. But, tough, I have fallen flat before. You just get up and dust yourself off.

I was never a leading man. I've always been in the outer concentric circles in the company, being a character actor, which is a good place to be. It gives you that diversity.

You had to be into sport and, sad to say, I'm a traitor to my country because I don't have a sporting bone in my body.

I die in almost every film I've been in.

I always felt thrilled and amazed that I could put actor on my tax form.

People are intrigued and fascinated, almost obsessed with the private lives of great public personalities.

For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can’t be found.

I always had a fantasy of being a chef, because I like kitchen life.

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But as my voice coach keeps saying, if we actually spoke the way they imagine the Elizabethan voice might have been, we wouldn't be able to understand it.
What I appreciated was the fact that the script delved into how Australians were - and still are - condescended to by the English.
There's four biggies. There was Elizabeth I, George III, Victoria, and the current queen, who really dominated four eras.
Someone told me that there's a connection to Superman, that in an early edition of the Green Lantern comics, Tomar Re was the envoy to Krypton. That was fascinating to me.
They were saying, 'Keep this under your hat, but Jack Sparrow's going to die in the second movie.' I went, 'You're kidding me. The fans are going to go berserk.'
When you are playing an egomaniac running a fantastical ship, you don't want him to be too suburban. Naturalism doesn't work on the high seas.
I guess I've been fortunate in having an ongoing film career while being based in Melbourne. I'm happy to commute. A day on a plane. Come on. It's easy.
I would always slip away to the cinema. I always found something absolutely extraordinary about the fact that these actors were always kind of kicking hard at some new dimension they were doing on film.
I knew all about Edward VIII's abdication, George VI becoming the king and having a stammer, but nothing about how he got rid of it.
I didn't know the Green Lantern comics at all. I was a Superman reader.
Yes, anally retentive men are my forte!
I think that Ionesco's greatest weapon is that he's able to make us laugh at the darkest corners of our souls.
When people come and tell me I was terrific in this or that, I do not want to fall flat on my face next time. But, tough, I have fallen flat before. You just get up and dust yourself off.
I was never a leading man. I've always been in the outer concentric circles in the company, being a character actor, which is a good place to be. It gives you that diversity.
You had to be into sport and, sad to say, I'm a traitor to my country because I don't have a sporting bone in my body.
I die in almost every film I've been in.
I always felt thrilled and amazed that I could put actor on my tax form.
People are intrigued and fascinated, almost obsessed with the private lives of great public personalities.
For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can’t be found.
I always had a fantasy of being a chef, because I like kitchen life.