George S. Patton Thoughts

Best 30+ George S. Patton Messages, Quotes, and Images

George S. Patton Thoughts

George S. Patton Thoughts

Make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up.

Author: George S. Patton

George S. Patton Quotes Images

George S. Patton Quotes Images

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.

Author: George S. Patton

George S. Patton Messages

George S. Patton Messages

Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?

Author: George S. Patton

Short George S. Patton Quotes

Short George S. Patton Quotes

A leader is a man who can adapt principles to circumstances.

Author: George S. Patton

Simple George S. Patton Messages

Simple George S. Patton Messages

You cannot be disciplined in great things and undisciplined in small things.

Author: George S. Patton

George S. Patton Thoughts

George S. Patton Thoughts

I am a Soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight.

Author: George S. Patton

George S. Patton Messages Images

George S. Patton Messages Images

Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy.

Author: George S. Patton

Short George S. Patton Messages

Short George S. Patton Messages

There are three ways that men get what they want: by planning, by working, and by praying.

Author: George S. Patton

Unique George S. Patton Thoughts

Unique George S. Patton Thoughts

Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader.

Author: George S. Patton

Simple George S. Patton Quotes

Simple George S. Patton Quotes

The most difficult thing about being humble is not being able to brag about it.

Author: George S. Patton

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