Hank Aaron Quotes

Hank Aaron Quotes with Images

Hank Aaron Quotes

If I knew exactly what I know now and had it to do over, I'd be a switch hitter. No telling what I could have done.

I'm sure glad this isn't my home ball park.

I can't recall a day this year or last when I did not hear the name of Babe Ruth.

I came to the Braves on business, and I intended to see that business was good as long as I could.

Baseball needs me because it needs somebody to stir the pot, and I need it because it's my life. It's the means I have to make a little difference in the world.

Looking at the ball going over the fence isn't going to help.

Whatever we do, make sure we clean up baseball.

Last year, I was sort of a kid and I was a little scared, I ain't scared anymore.

The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them.

There is no such thing as a bed of roses all your life.

Can I smoke now without someone taking my picture?

I don't feel right unless I have a sport to play or at least a way to work up a sweat.

Guessing what the pitcher is going to throw is 80% of being a successful hitter. The other 20% is just execution.

I am very proud to be an American. This country has so much potential, I'd just like to see things better, or whatever, and I think it will be.

There is no logical reason why girls shouldn't play baseball. It's not all that tough.

I never smile when I have a bat in my hands. That's when you've got to be serious.

You can only milk a cow so long, then you're left holding the pail.

Didn't come up here to read. Came up here to hit.

I don't see pitches down the middle anymore - not even in batting practice.

I'm hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I'd be pulling for him.

I've tried a lot of things in the off-season, but the only thing I really know is baseball.

The first thing baseball wants to do is make you a superstar and then say that you owe baseball something. I don't owe baseball anything. Baseball owes me.

I think what separates a superstar from the average ballplayer is that he concentrates just a little bit longer.

Consistency is what counts; you have to be able to do things over and over again.

Failure will never stand int he way of success if you learn from it.

Failure is a part of success.

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If I knew exactly what I know now and had it to do over, I'd be a switch hitter. No telling what I could have done.
I'm sure glad this isn't my home ball park.
I can't recall a day this year or last when I did not hear the name of Babe Ruth.
I came to the Braves on business, and I intended to see that business was good as long as I could.
Baseball needs me because it needs somebody to stir the pot, and I need it because it's my life. It's the means I have to make a little difference in the world.
Looking at the ball going over the fence isn't going to help.
Whatever we do, make sure we clean up baseball.
Last year, I was sort of a kid and I was a little scared, I ain't scared anymore.
The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them.
There is no such thing as a bed of roses all your life.
Can I smoke now without someone taking my picture?
I don't feel right unless I have a sport to play or at least a way to work up a sweat.
Guessing what the pitcher is going to throw is 80% of being a successful hitter. The other 20% is just execution.
I am very proud to be an American. This country has so much potential, I'd just like to see things better, or whatever, and I think it will be.
There is no logical reason why girls shouldn't play baseball. It's not all that tough.
I never smile when I have a bat in my hands. That's when you've got to be serious.
You can only milk a cow so long, then you're left holding the pail.
Didn't come up here to read. Came up here to hit.
I don't see pitches down the middle anymore - not even in batting practice.
I'm hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I'd be pulling for him.
I've tried a lot of things in the off-season, but the only thing I really know is baseball.
The first thing baseball wants to do is make you a superstar and then say that you owe baseball something. I don't owe baseball anything. Baseball owes me.
I think what separates a superstar from the average ballplayer is that he concentrates just a little bit longer.
Consistency is what counts; you have to be able to do things over and over again.
Failure will never stand int he way of success if you learn from it.
Failure is a part of success.