Hello again, everybody... It's a bee-yoo-tiful day for baseball.
Author: Harry Caray
Booze, broads and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?
It could be, it might be... It is, A home run!
What does a mama bear on the pill have in common with the World Series? No cubs.
Aw, how could he Jorge Orta lose the ball in the sun, he's from Mexico.
Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of something bad.
I knew the profanity used up and down my street would not go over the air... So I trained myself to say 'Holy Cow' instead.
I'll tell you what's helped me my entire life. I look at baseball as a game. It's something where people can go out, enjoy and have fun. Nothing more.
When I die, I hope they don't cremate me 'cuz I'll burn forever.
You know Alou's name spelled backwards is Uola? That sounds like a first name, Uola.
Sad Status
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Attitude Status for Boys
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Attitude Status for Girls
Love Status for Girls
I think a lot of little girls like riding, but sadly not that many people live in a place where it's an option.
Author: Christy Turlington
Watching your husband become a father is really sexy and wonderful.
Author: Cindy Crawford
People shouldn't stay married because of the kids. That's torture for everyone.
Author: Sofia Vergara
I like a man who can be a real friend, has a good sense of humor, a good pair of shoes and a healthy gold card.
Author: Victoria Beckham
Success is to be Happy in Life.
Author: Heidi Klum
Every since high school I've been drawn to magazines.
Author: Robert Benton
Love Quotes & Messages
Sad Quotes & Messages
Breakup Quotes & Messages
Angry Quotes & Messages
Love Status in Hindi
Sad Status in Hindi
Attitude Status in Hindi
Alone Status in Hindi
Good Night Status in Hindi
Good Morning Status in Hindi
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Radhe Krishna Status
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