Ilaiyaraaja Quotes
Ilaiyaraaja Quotes with Images
Ilaiyaraaja Quotes with Images
Western, jazz, folk, or tribal music, whatever the form, they all have the same sapta swaras as the basis.
Art is a unifying language for all of us from across the world, and it transcends boundaries.
Questioning the origin of music is like asking why the breeze is soothing, why you shiver in exhilaration when the spray from the waterfall hits you.
Genuine music, to me, is the one which has no purpose. It should be as natural and as purposeless as the flow of the river.
Music is nothing but sound, and there is no place for value judgement among various sounds.
I consider all women as mother. I compose poems for any female considering her as mother.
I think of the Tamil poet Subrahmanya Bharati every day, and he is an inspiration in my musical creations.
Can someone do music for 24 hours at a stretch and never get tired? It's me. Because I don't 'work'. I enjoy what am doing. It's not like a regular job.
Do you know it took me 27 years to understand the C major chord on the piano?
I had difficulty in grasping how music was made for films. It was a huge learning curve and the toughest phase of my life.
A director should concentrate on his storyline and his characters.
One could work on a lot of albums such as 'Thiruvasagam in Symphony,' but with issues such as illegal downloading from the Internet and piracy, it is difficult.
Taking legal action against pirates is a headache for artists like me.
Music and religion keep me young.
Good music is made with the help of many musicians who express their joy in the swaras.
When you listen to a song, it should make you sit up and wonder, 'Hey, what is this!' or give you an inexplicable feeling of joy or relate beautifully to the music in you.
Branding music as 'for the youth' is only an escapist tendency. Preference in music is only about restrictions of the mind.
The performance of a music director should be judged in a holistic manner, which includes songs as well as background score.
To me, music is more like a spiritual seeking that takes one to unknown levels.
Sometimes, entire songs are ready in just about five minutes.
I don't believe in making two songs similar. Every composition must have its own unique character.
Many great composers have died in poverty. I have not faced hardships, like having to struggle for food, thanks to reasonable producers.
The Gen X thinks history is a waste of time. This is instant world where only readymade things are valued.
My commercial viability, coupled with my reputation, gives me enough freedom to assert my right as a composer.
Music is not a subject to be discussed. It has to be experienced.
I always felt music to be universal and undifferentiated - Western classical, folk, Carnatic or Hindustani and so on.
Music is the only medium by which everyone is connected in the world.
In music, there is no country; there is no time.
Composing is an emotional thing.
Music has done much more for me than I have for music.
My music is religion, and my religion is music. They are one.
Your understanding of music depends on your capacity to perceive it.
Only I hold the right to all my songs.
Music is a continuous process. You evolve with every song.
Isn't composing music akin to film direction?
Thyagaraja was not a professional musician. He did not sing for situations. He was music himself.
When you see the ocean and the infinite, it empties your mind.
People forget themselves in my music. It's amazing.
Music has the power to divert the violent minds.
There is no guru like our own mistakes.
Music is as vast as the sky, the oceans, the universe.
Everyone's music is made of their own life experiences.
Music happens. It cannot be made.
In whosever presence you find peace of mind, devoid of fear, only that person can be your guru.
Life is not what you expect: it is made up of the most unexpected twists and turns.