James Connolly Quotes

Best 10+ James Connolly Messages, Quotes, and Images

James Connolly Thoughts

James Connolly Thoughts

The Irish people will only be free, when they own everything from the plough to the stars

Author: James Connolly

James Connolly Quotes Images

James Connolly Quotes Images

Yes, friends, governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.

Author: James Connolly

James Connolly Messages

James Connolly Messages

The great appear great to us.

Author: James Connolly

Short James Connolly Quotes

Short James Connolly Quotes

The British Government has no right in Ireland, never had any right in Ireland, and never can have any right in Ireland.

Author: James Connolly

Simple James Connolly Messages

Simple James Connolly Messages

We believe in constitutional action in normal times; we believe in revolutionary action in exceptional times.

Author: James Connolly

James Connolly Thoughts

James Connolly Thoughts

Apostles of Freedom are ever idolised when dead, but crucified when alive.

Author: James Connolly

James Connolly Messages Images

James Connolly Messages Images

The worker is the slave of capitalist society, the female worker is the slave of that slave.

Author: James Connolly

Short James Connolly Messages

Short James Connolly Messages

Yes, ruling by fooling, is a great British art with great Irish fools to practice on.

Author: James Connolly

Unique James Connolly Thoughts

Unique James Connolly Thoughts

No revolutionary movement is complete without its poetical expression.

Author: James Connolly

Simple James Connolly Quotes

Simple James Connolly Quotes

The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland, and the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour

Author: James Connolly

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