james Cook Quotes

james Cook Quotes with Images

james Cook Quotes

The more successful an organization becomes, the more difficult it is to deal with.

If everyone had to start up their own business, socialism would soon die.

The government does the least good and the most harm through subsidies.

Faith must be worked at.

The eleventh commandment: Thou shalt be tolerant of all paths that lead to God.

Private charity discourages poverty while public subsidies encourage it.

The more welfare, the more crime.

It is said that government is a necessary evil, but it is far eviler than it is necessary.

The fundamental laws of human nature are overlooked by social planners.

It's not capitalism that's failing the U.S. but socialism.

Taxes are a penalty on progress.

Socialism was made to order for tyrants.

Government is not competent enough to regulate.

Almost everything government does is worse than useless.

With socialized medicine, the trick is not to die while waiting for treatment.

Those who help the poor the most also hurt them the most.

The government endangers us with our own money.

Governments institutionalize something for nothing.

A salesman sees a commission.

It's impossible for a dishonest person to grow rich in business.

Living your life constructs your soul, not a few seconds of daily prayer.

Money will always turn up when there is a potential for profit.

Worry not so much about other peoples morals but more about your own.

Whenever you have something nice someone will try to ruin it.

Liberals have one solution for every economic issue; eat the seed corn.

The power of faith to ease our suffering is God's love.

Hiring quotas reduce efficiency.

Government charity gives the most to those who refuse to help themselves; private charity gives less.

Inequality promotes progress.

Private charity can apply 'tough love' but government charity can't.

Investors believe in the best possible outcome.

Employers know the nature of people best.

It's nearly impossible for a criminal to come from a good mother.

Subsidies have changed the way the nation behaves.

Welfare corrupts the lower class much faster than the middle class.

Better to build orphanages than prisons.

Government regulators are another name for police.

People rarely use advice.

Beware the person who is on a hot streak.

The soul is that part of you in harmony with God.

At any given age it is only a few extremists who are right.

There are alternate explanations for everything.

Hardly anything works out as well as we hope.

To succeed in business, but the interest of the customer ahead of your own.

A thinker reverses roles and sees the perspectives of others.

Self-interest feeds more people than self-sacrifice.

There is no help from without, only from within.

It's easier to have faith in yourself if you have faith in God.

Everybody lives an epic.

The decline and fall of civilization are barely noticed by most of its citizens.

When your mind tries to verify a preconceived notion you can miss the obvious.

Seeds that are sown in adversity bear the greatest fruit.

No matter how great your wisdom, you can still make a fool of yourself.

A free ride is life's most difficult journey.

Better to have something to say than to have to say something.

The struggle is the architect of the soul.

Whatever you do without confidence will be done badly.

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The more successful an organization becomes, the more difficult it is to deal with.
If everyone had to start up their own business, socialism would soon die.
The government does the least good and the most harm through subsidies.
Faith must be worked at.
The eleventh commandment: Thou shalt be tolerant of all paths that lead to God.
Private charity discourages poverty while public subsidies encourage it.
The more welfare, the more crime.
It is said that government is a necessary evil, but it is far eviler than it is necessary.
The fundamental laws of human nature are overlooked by social planners.
It's not capitalism that's failing the U.S. but socialism.
Taxes are a penalty on progress.
Socialism was made to order for tyrants.
Government is not competent enough to regulate.
Almost everything government does is worse than useless.
With socialized medicine, the trick is not to die while waiting for treatment.
Those who help the poor the most also hurt them the most.
The government endangers us with our own money.
Governments institutionalize something for nothing.
A salesman sees a commission.
It's impossible for a dishonest person to grow rich in business.
Living your life constructs your soul, not a few seconds of daily prayer.
Money will always turn up when there is a potential for profit.
Worry not so much about other peoples morals but more about your own.
Whenever you have something nice someone will try to ruin it.
Liberals have one solution for every economic issue; eat the seed corn.
The power of faith to ease our suffering is God's love.
Hiring quotas reduce efficiency.
Government charity gives the most to those who refuse to help themselves; private charity gives less.
Inequality promotes progress.
Private charity can apply 'tough love' but government charity can't.
Investors believe in the best possible outcome.
Employers know the nature of people best.
It's nearly impossible for a criminal to come from a good mother.
Subsidies have changed the way the nation behaves.
Welfare corrupts the lower class much faster than the middle class.
Better to build orphanages than prisons.
Government regulators are another name for police.
People rarely use advice.
Beware the person who is on a hot streak.
The soul is that part of you in harmony with God.
At any given age it is only a few extremists who are right.
There are alternate explanations for everything.
Hardly anything works out as well as we hope.
To succeed in business, but the interest of the customer ahead of your own.
A thinker reverses roles and sees the perspectives of others.
Self-interest feeds more people than self-sacrifice.
There is no help from without, only from within.
It's easier to have faith in yourself if you have faith in God.
Everybody lives an epic.
The decline and fall of civilization are barely noticed by most of its citizens.
When your mind tries to verify a preconceived notion you can miss the obvious.
Seeds that are sown in adversity bear the greatest fruit.
No matter how great your wisdom, you can still make a fool of yourself.
A free ride is life's most difficult journey.
Better to have something to say than to have to say something.
The struggle is the architect of the soul.
Whatever you do without confidence will be done badly.