Jennifer Connelly Messages

Best 10+ Jennifer Connelly Messages, Quotes, and Images

Jennifer Connelly Thoughts

Jennifer Connelly Thoughts

Neither my husband nor I am interested in mincing words. If I break something, for example, I have to announce it. I'm a compulsive confessor.

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly Quotes Images

Jennifer Connelly Quotes Images

I had enough time being single to know I have no regrets about being married!

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly Messages

Jennifer Connelly Messages

You make mistakes as a parent. Then you wish you hadn't said that, or you wish you hadn't told them how to dress. You cringe.

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Short Jennifer Connelly Quotes

Short Jennifer Connelly Quotes

I do finish reading a script and say, Why are they making it and what are they talking about? I like to try and be responsible in my choices in that way.

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Simple Jennifer Connelly Messages

Simple Jennifer Connelly Messages

Dark Water was one of my favourite films to shoot because of Walter. I had seen the previous films he had directed, Central Station and Motorcycle Diaries, and I thought they were great. I really trusted him

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly Thoughts

Jennifer Connelly Thoughts

I had a good time working with Russell Crowe, Ron Howard and Ed Harris. It was a great cast and Russell worked really hard, doing tons of research and questioning everything

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly Messages Images

Jennifer Connelly Messages Images

I try to do a lot of research beforehand so I know where I want to go with a scene. I try not to get too stressed about it, because I find that's the worst thing

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Short Jennifer Connelly Messages

Short Jennifer Connelly Messages

I am just blessed they are such great, really wonderful kids.

Author: Jennifer Connelly

Unique Jennifer Connelly Thoughts

Unique Jennifer Connelly Thoughts

I don't know if I was a star. I was certainly working a lot and that was strange because there were good things about it and things that were difficult.

Author: Jennifer Connelly

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I hate people who say,

I hate people who say, "Oh, I'm addicted to working out". I just want to punch those people in the face.

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What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be.

What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be.

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If you get enough sleep, cut back on cigarettes and red meat, you look better the next day

If you get enough sleep, cut back on cigarettes and red meat, you look better the next day

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My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.

My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.

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I always felt Jimmy was trapped in Hollywood. He felt it himself. He loved aviation so much and he wanted to be able to do more of that. He somehow just got stuck here.

I always felt Jimmy was trapped in Hollywood. He felt it himself. He loved aviation so much and he wanted to be able to do more of that. He somehow just got stuck here.

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I'm not one of those people who thinks they simply deserves success. I have the drive to work. Maybe that's why I've stayed on the fringe.

I'm not one of those people who thinks they simply deserves success. I have the drive to work. Maybe that's why I've stayed on the fringe.

Author: Jennifer Connelly