Jimmy Connors Quotes

Best 20+ Jimmy Connors Messages, Quotes, and Images

Jimmy Connors Thoughts

Jimmy Connors Thoughts

I hate to lose more than I like to win. I hate to see the happiness on their faces when they beat me!

Author: Jimmy Connors

Jimmy Connors Quotes Images

Jimmy Connors Quotes Images

Greatest thing in life: Winning a tennis match. Second greatest thing in life: Losing a tennis match

Author: Jimmy Connors

Jimmy Connors Messages

Jimmy Connors Messages

I never lost a tennis match, I just ran out of time

Author: Jimmy Connors

Short Jimmy Connors Quotes

Short Jimmy Connors Quotes

What works for the person you're imitating may not work for you.

Author: Jimmy Connors

Simple Jimmy Connors Messages

Simple Jimmy Connors Messages

I am not looking to be understood or liked. Like me or not, I don't care. I am an outsider, that is the way I was brought up.

Author: Jimmy Connors

Jimmy Connors Thoughts

Jimmy Connors Thoughts

Tennis was never work for me, tennis was fun. And the tougher the battle and the longer the match, the more fun I had.

Author: Jimmy Connors

Jimmy Connors Messages Images

Jimmy Connors Messages Images

I was raised by two women, and that laid the groundwork for the way I treat 'em: with the utmost respect and admiration.

Author: Jimmy Connors

Short Jimmy Connors Messages

Short Jimmy Connors Messages

There is only one number one. It is a lonely spot but it has got the best view of all.

Author: Jimmy Connors

Unique Jimmy Connors Thoughts

Unique Jimmy Connors Thoughts

I hate to lose more than I love to win.

Author: Jimmy Connors

Simple Jimmy Connors Quotes

Simple Jimmy Connors Quotes

I don't go out there to love my enemy. I go out there to squash him.

Author: Jimmy Connors

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